Air Pollution Session by DFCA in Jaipur

Training of Nurses in Indore

Date: 10th Dec, 2019
Venue: Shubh Deep College of Nursing, Indore

Organizing Partners: Collaboration to Eliminate Tuberculosis among Indians (CETI) Indore

Team from DFCA: Matrushri Shetty – Director, Programs – LCF and Hamid Rehman – Network Manager - LCF

Brief Program Report

A program was organized for Nursing Students in Indore to raise awareness on Air Pollution and its ill-health effects and train the students on how to deal with Asthma and Tuberculosis related health emergencies caused due to increased levels of Air Pollution


  • To raise awareness on Air Pollution and its ill-health effects and train the students on how to deal with Asthma and Tuberculosis related health emergencies caused due to increased levels of Air Pollution.

Key Highlights

  • Mrs. Sangeeta from Collaboration to Eliminate Tuberculosis among Indians (CETI) Indore, trained the students on Tuberculosis control and care and how to tackle emergency situations in patients with Tuberculosis that may arise due to high Air Pollution levels.
  • Mrs. Matrushri from DFCA Delhi team trained the students on Air Pollution basics and its health-ill effects , what actions they can take to prevent themselves from its harmful effects and what are all the possible solutions to curb the levels of Air Pollution around them.
  • Copies of Asthma Manual compiled by LCF to deal with Asthma related emergencies in schools were provided to the principal of the college.
  • The students then pledged to work towards Clean and Green Indore Initiative started by Dr. Salil Bhargava – Clean Air Champion , DFCA Madhya Pradesh.